my heart belongs to Slavia

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noise, atmosphere, chanting and round ball, it’s a game, it’s a team, and it’s a sport… and it’s about being detached from looking at what’s going on right now, taking away worries, what just erased the moment of feelings somewhere else – sadness, happiness, pain and beauty – the only and veritable is here and now in the noise of the rushing stadium, it is the ball rotates in the spotlight…

suns of Luberon

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it is not lavender fields, not red wine in ceramic cups, sunset on the walls of Luberon, none of it is, it is not even the odour of the sea, hot air… this is something in us, in our souls and hearts, a piece of history, fragments of feelings , the pride of the kings and the hardworking of the farmers, and all that drove and passed through this landscape… the interesting thing is that it can’t be snapped as photo… it wants loneliness and calm and closed eyes and silence and red wine in the ceramic cup, sitting next to lavender field, smell the sea… then it permeates the man…

Pandora‘s scream

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every day, each of us releases fragments and drops of evil into the world … and not always for beautiful women … and Pandora screams, but we don’t notice her, we don’t care her warning, all, what she had to go through … we have to go through by ourselves… with a hope on the bottom…

first day

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it doesn’t matter which day it is, whether it is a night, in how many years it is, all it is the same – the first day is the first day, whatever it is… it’s all, what is the first time… it’s just a feeling it’s being first time…

cause of death

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no drama, nothing extraordinary, death is not a lady with a scythe … it is a moment waiting for each of us … and the causes of the annihilation of each being are so many: they are diverse – bitter, cynical, comic, expected and unexpected … but always terminal … and sad are those who are still waiting …